Mizoram News

Mizoram could face shortage of Covid Care Centers amid surge in cases: Officials

Sentinel Digital Desk

Guwahati: Mizoram could be staring at a shortage of facilities to treat Covid-19 patients if the number of infected persons keeps increasing at the present rate.

Worried due to the sharp spike in cases, senior officials of the Mizoram Health Department held an emergency meeting on Thursday, which was chaired by health minister Dr R. Lalthangliana.

With the existing infrastructure, only 1,737 Covid-19 civilian patients can be accommodated in Mizoram. With 20 new COVID-19 cases reported till 7.00 am on Friday in Mizoram, the total number of coronavirus cases in the State reached 1,353.

The state additionally has 6 Covid Care Centres to accommodate about 300 personnel of paramilitary forces, many of whom have been infected in the Northeast Indian state.

In yesterday's meeting, the concerned officials pointed out that if the number of COVID-19 positive cases continues to spike upwards, patients may have to be shifted either to neighbouring Assam or undergo home quarantine/treatment.

In the current scenario, most of the asymptomatic patients in Mizoram are shifted to Covid Care Centres, while symptomatic are admitted at the Zoram Medical College (ZMC) in Falkawn.

The health minister was told that there is an immediate need for setting up makeshift Covid Care Centres in and around the capital city of Aizawl.

On Friday, the state health department officials, along with the administration, started identifying some infrastructure which could be converted into Covid Care Centres at once to meet the rise in demand.

Offering assistance, the Presbyterian Church in Aizawl's Tuikhuahtlang and the Young Mizo Association (YMA) Tuikhuahtlang branch have offered their halls to be used as Covid-19 Care Centres.

If the two halls are taken over for transformation as Covid Care Centres, there would be additional provisions to accommodate about 70 patients.

Meanwhile, the churches and Young Mizo Association branches have been asked to offer their halls to be turned into Covid Care Centres.