landslide in mizoram
Mizoram News

Mizoram: Death Toll Rises to 30 in Aizawl Landslides as Rescue Operations Continue

Sentinel Digital Desk

AIZAWL: The death toll in devastating landslides that struck Mizoram's capital region Aizawl, has risen to 30. Rescue teams recovered another body on Tuesday. The latest victim was identified as 11-year-old girl. Her body was found in debris of a landslide in the Melthum area, a police officer confirmed this.

Rescue operations continues as they search for four missing persons. These include six-month-old infant. Widespread destruction was caused by multiple landslides across the region.

The most severe incident occurred on Tuesday morning. A massive landslide struck an abandoned stone quarry in the border area of Melthum and Hlimen. This resulted in the collapse of several houses and worker camps. This event claimed the lives of at least 16 people.

In Hlimen the same landslide led to deaths of six more individuals. It swept away two houses. In Aizawl's Salem Veng locality, three more fatalities were reported. These were due to another landslide. Additional casualties included two individuals in Falkawn village approximately 15 kilometers from Aizawl. One each in Kelsih and Lungsei villages, both within Aizawl district were also reported.

Government rescue teams supported by local volunteers, are continuing their search efforts in most affected areas. Including Melthum and Aibawk villages. Despite challenging conditions these teams are determined. To find remaining missing individuals.

Earlier, on Monday Central Young Mizo Association (CYMA) had called off volunteer-led search operations. Adhering to Mizo customary practice which mandates seven-day search period for missing persons.

In related incident, body suspected to be landslide victim was retrieved from Tlawng River near Lungleng village on Tuesday. Identity of this victim has yet to be confirmed. Adding to ongoing distress. And uncertainty faced by affected communities.

Mizoram government continues to coordinate with local authorities. And volunteer organizations to provide aid support to those affected by landslides as search and rescue operations persist community remains hopeful for safe recovery of missing individuals.