Mizoram News

Mizoram: Restriction On Issue Of Birth/Death Certificates For Immigrants

Sentinel Digital Desk

AIZAWL : The Mizoram state administration with an immediate effect has put restrictions regarding issuance of birth certificates to outsiders , refugees and immigrants who entered the state's boundary in an illegal manner. 

The Economics and Statistics unit of the state issued a notice on 30th of January, highlighting prohibition on providing death or birth certificate to any sort of immigrants in Mizoram. 

All the concerned departments were made aware of the fact that, even if a birth or death of an immigrant has took place inside the state's boundary, the units shall not issue the certificates for illegal settlers, based on the decision taken by the inter departmental coordination team on 31st of October, 2022, the statement notice added. 

The notice also mentioned that, if in any case Illegal certificates were issued in the past, they are going to get erased from the registration list, along with that all other certificates will also be canceled.

Furthermore, it has been stated that, interim identity cards offered to the immigrants cannot be utilised to extract Aadhar cards, driving licence and other valuable documents.

Recently, K Vanlalvena, the Rajya Sabha MP of Mizoram, requested the centre to provide access to people who are seeking entry in asylum from Bangladesh into the state of Mizoram. The MP stated this on 30th of January, and urged the officials to allow the Bangladeshi refugees to stay in Mizoram under humanitarian grounds.

The security team personnels should be advised for the same, Vanlalvena added. Many Bangladeshi immigrants are restricted from entering the state of Mizoram and Indian border by the BSFs on duty, he added.

He further mentioned about the ongoing clash between Bangladesh Army and Kuki Chin National Army, a group demanding separate state for itself.

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