Nagaland Municipal Act
Nagaland News

Nagaland: Dimapur Police Commissioner Enforces Section 144 CrPC Ahead of ULB Elections

Sentinel Digital Desk

DIMAPUR: In move to ensure peaceful conduct of upcoming urban local body elections Commissioner of Police Kevithuto Sophie has promulgated prohibitory order under Section 144. The order is effective from 5 PM on Tuesday, June 25. It lasts until 7 PM on June 27. It bans assembly of five or more people in public places within the jurisdictions of Dimapur Municipal Council East Dimapur Town Council, Chumoukedima Town Council. It also includes Medziphema Town Council and Niuland Town Council.

The order is a response to concerns about potential breaches of peace, also threats to public tranquility. These threats could disrupt the election process scheduled for June 26. Commissioner Sophie emphasized the necessity of the order. He cited apprehensions of disturbances that might affect peaceful execution.

Key restrictions under the order include the prohibition of movement. Especially notable is movement between wards or from adjoining villages to municipal or town council areas on polling day. Public meetings and processions are banned. Any form of unlawful assembly related to election is also banned. Additionally display and propagation of election-related materials through print, electronic media or means intended to influence results are prohibited.

The order restricts the carrying of lethal weapons and firearms. This includes lathis, machetes daggers, sticks spears and swords. Also, catapults are prohibited as well as inflammable objects that could endanger life and property. Use of public address systems in public places is banned. Such systems near polling stations, which could cause public annoyance are also banned.

Individuals or groups found violating this order will face punitive action. This falls under Section 188 of Indian Penal Code and Nagaland Municipal Act 2023. Due to urgency of the situation, the order has been issued ex-parte. This was done without individual notice to all concerned parties.

For public awareness notice will be disseminated through press. It will be displayed on notice boards at district administration offices. Additionally, it will be visible at offices of Deputy Commissioners of Police (DCPs). Additional Deputy Commissioners of Police (ADCPs) Assistant Commissioners of Police (ACPs) and police stations across Dimapur, Chumoukedima and Niuland districts will also participate in the dissemination.