Nagaland News

Nagaland: Naga Forum Urges Swift Action on Peace Talks and Faster Progress in Political Pacts

Ankita Kakaty

NAGALAND: The Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) recently brought together the Naga apex bodies and Church in Nagaland to push forward with efforts towards peace. During this important meeting, which was themed "Nagas Are Moving Ahead," urgent attention was called upon by everyone involved regarding talks between the NSCN/GPRN and Naga National Political Groups (NNPG), stressing there should be no delay. The discussions took place on January 23rd, 2023 in Dimapur as a way of boosting progress within the region's political landscape.

At Monday's gathering, the attendees emphasized that it is imperative for both NNPG and NSCN/GPRN to honor their pledges from previous important meetings. Notably, particular focus was given to what were deemed critical junctures such as September 14th in 2023 where the "September Joint Accordant" occurred, October 18th in 2022 when the "Kolkata Meeting" took place, and January 14th in 2023 during which there was a session titled "Nagas Are Moving Ahead". These moments require prompt action.

The Forum has encouraged both factions to pay attention to the Naga people's call, stressing the significance of collective collaboration without force. The gathering acknowledged it is crucial for Nagas from various groups and political organizations to voluntarily collaborate while respecting cultural (tribal) identities in light of regional ambitions for development and prosperity.

Recognizing the ever-changing political environment, FNR acknowledged that modifications are bound to happen, and governmental structures can undergo alterations. The Forum highlighted the significance of unity within their nation and urged recognition and collaboration amongst various Naga factions. It emphasized on respecting individual viewpoints even if cooperation is not possible due to personal reasons. According to FNR's vision, ensuring peace for all remains their ultimate objective without any hint of domination or subjugation towards anyone whatsoever.

Additionally, the gathering approved of arranging activities with the intention of pressuring India's Government to hasten Naga political accords prior to the next general elections. The FNR urged individuals in and outside of Nagaland to back innovative improvements consistent with worldwide significance.

While Nagaland navigates the intricate terrain of political talks, it's significant to mention that Forum for Naga Reconciliation is acting as a force for harmony by pressing for prompt and truthful measures towards settling the enduring issue concerning Nagas.