Sikkim News

Sikkim BJP President Sees no Hope for the SDF Party to Win in the Forthcoming Polls

Sentinel Digital Desk

Sikkim BJP president D.B. Chauhan is of the opinion that the ruling SDF party will not be able to win a single seat from the west district in the coming Assembly election. The BJP president says that the ruling party has failed in living up to the expectation of the people of the west district. The SDF has failed in fulfilling the developmental and public welfare demands for which the people of the region are not going to cast their vote in favour of the SDF party.

Chauhan, while attending a press meet on Friday, says that the ruling party’s dream to rule the state once again will be ruined in the coming elections. He said, “The SDF's days are numbered as the Janta is exhausted of one party since 24 years and power change is what they want.”

Chauhan also counts the lack of developments and backwardness of the West Sikkim which according to him could be developed during the SDF rule of 24 years. Notably, the state president was one a two-day long West Sikkim visit when a press meet was also arranged as a part of a campaign ahead of the Assembly elections.

Chauhan also said that his party will be the sole contestants of the 2019 Assembly polls with the agenda of developing Sikkim. He added, “We will field strong candidates having a clean image and connect with the common Sikkimese. The BJP is also open for an alliance with other political parties except for the SDF. We are eager if a proposal for an alliance with other political party is made. The allied force would definitely have the upper hand.”

Hopeful of bringing a change in the state, Chauhan asserted that “The people are desperate for change as they seem to be tired of 24 years old SDF government which has done nothing for ensuring sustainable development of the State. The people have realized that piglets, chickens and pressure cookers do not signify development. In order to bring Sikkim on the track of development, BJP could be the reliable option.”