Tripura News

Agartala: Cricketer Mayank Agarwal Hospitalized After Falling Sick On Flight


AGARTALA: Indian batsman and Karnataka captain Mayank Agarwal was admitted to a hospital in Agartala after he consumed an unidentified beverage - assumed to be water - on board the Agartala - New Delhi flight on January 30.

According to reports, the 32-year-old is out of danger but he has been kept under observation and will be ideally discharged from the hospital tomorrow.

He is expected to fly back to Bengaluru and consult the local doctors before making a call on his future course of action. The Karnataka State Cricket Association (KSCA) is confident that the dashing batter will recover quickly and will be back on the field soon.

The incident unfolded when the members of the state Ranji Trophy team, who got the better of the hosts on Monday, were heading to Surat for their next encounter.

The team boarded the Indigo flight 6E 5177, which was scheduled to depart Agartala at 2:40 pm and travel via New Delhi.

An eyewitness has claimed that Agarwal felt thirsty after boarding the aircraft and picked up a bottle - assumed to contain water - from the front seat pocket.

After taking a sip from the bottle, the Karnataka captain complained of uneasiness, saying that he experienced a burning sensation in his throat.

Thereafter, he spat out the liquid in the washroom and rinsed his mouth but he did not get rid of the sickness.

The situation did not get any better for him as his tongue was thickening and his face was reddening. Henceforth, the aircraft returned to the bay, after which, Agarwal was deplaned and rushed to the hospital.

Agarwal has reportedly suffered burns on his inner cheeks and tongue and his treatment included detoxification.

Meanwhile, Ramesh Rao, the Karnataka team manager, who also deplaned with the player, has filed an FIR on behalf of Agarwal.

"It seems it was some cleaning agent in a water bottle that was left behind. We have sent the bottle for forensic examination," said sources in Agartala police.