show cause notice
Tripura News

Tripura: Sepahijala District Administration Issues Show-Cause Notices to 39 Government Employees for Lax Punctuality

Sentinel Digital Desk

AGARTALA: The Sepahijala District Administration of Tripura has taken firm stance on employee punctuality. They issued show-cause notices to 39 government employees who were not adhering to designated office timings. District Magistrate Sidharth Shiv Jaiswal IAS, announced the move during a recent press conference. He emphasized the importance of punctuality for effective public service.

“The primary goal of issuing these show-cause notices is to ensure that employees are punctual. They must perform their duties efficiently. This prevents any inconvenience to the public. It also ensures they receive the benefits they are entitled to” said Jaiswal. He highlighted that the government has set specific office hours. Employees are expected to follow these hours to maximize their contribution to public service.

Jaiswal pointed out that the notices were issued to employees working in key administrative offices. This includes District Magistrate’s Office, Sub-divisional Magistrate’s Office and Office of the Block Development Officer. He reiterated administration's commitment to maintaining strict adherence to office timings.

“We have implemented biometric attendance system to monitor punctuality. Despite this some employees were consistently arriving late. They were not following the prescribed timings,” Jaiswal explained. “As a result we had to take this step. Issuing show-cause notices to 39 employees was necessary. This measure is crucial to ensure that public services are delivered efficiently and on time.”

The District Magistrate also mentioned that they have received responses to some of the show-cause notices. They are currently evaluating them. “Public service should be more efficient and timely. We are reviewing the replies to the notices. We will take necessary steps based on their explanations,” he added.

This action by the Sepahijala District Administration underscores the importance of discipline. Punctuality among government employees enhances the overall efficiency of public services. By holding employees accountable for their attendance the administration aims to set precedent. High standards of service will benefit the public.