
Tim Paine Steps Down as Australia Captain after Sexting Scandal

Sentinel Digital Desk

Australian International Cricketer Tim Paine has taken an immediate and effective decision on Friday 19 November to resign from the post of Australia Team Captain following an off-shield scandal confirmed by Cricket Australia.

In the press conference held in Hobart on Friday, Paine made the announcement of stepping down from the post of Captain of the Australian men's test team.

In the emerging scandal, the cricketer has sent explicit text messages to his female colleague in Tasmania in the year 2017. Paine accepted that he was involved in the four years ago chat with his female co-worker which was at that time the subject of a thorough Cricket Australia Integrity Unit investigation where he had co-operated. The Cricket Tasmania and CA Integrity Unit investigation at that time found no violation of the Cricket Australia code of conduct.

He added that he is regretful about the act and thankful to his families for their constant support and forgiveness. He thought that it has been a long time and people might have forgotten but it is still affecting as the private text chat has been shared on public and with this, it is coming on the reputation of the Australia cricket team.

Paine further urged that on the reflection of his mistake three years ago, people shouldn't target his post as an Australian cricket captain or the wider community. He, at last, apologizes for harming the reputation of the sports and says he does not want to become the unwelcomed disruption to the team in the upcoming Ashes series.

The Cricket Board has accepted the resignation of Tim Paine and will be appointing a new Test-captain for the huge Ashes series. The board thanks Paine for his excellent service and for his performance as an exceptional leader.

The Cricket Australia Chair Richard Freudenstein says on the matter that the stepping down of Paine as a captain will be in the best interest of Australian cricket and also for his family. Cricket Australia will not tolerate such misbehaviour and use of language.

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