
Manchester City may struggle to convince Pep to stay, says Richard Dunne

Sentinel Digital Desk

London: Former Manchester City skipper Richard Dunne feels that coach Pep Guardiola could move on and find a new job after UEFA decided to slap a two-year suspension on the club. Dunne feels that considering Guardiola’s ambitions and his hunger for trophies, it would be difficult for the club to convince him to stay on.

“Wherever he’s gone, he’s always been there to be a winner. That’s what he’ll want to remain,” he told Omnisport.

“He wants to go and win trophies and if City is in a situation where they can no longer compete because they’re selling players and can’t attract the top players because there’s no Champions League football, it will be difficult.

“I think the club has been organized really well — the whole club, not just the first team. They have a structure in place where they will survive and try and rebuild again. But to lose someone like Pep Guardiola would be a huge blow.

“He’s what they’ve worked towards, to try and get him to come in as manager, and he’s been successful. You listen to players talk about why they sign for teams and Pep is a huge attraction for any player.”

The city has been barred from competing in European club soccer competitions for the next two seasons and fined 30 million euros ($32.5 million) by European soccer’s governing body UEFA after being found guilty of “serious breaches” of its financial fair play rules.

The club, however, may appeal the decision to the Switzerland-based Court of Arbitration for Sport.

“If Manchester City Football Club exercises that right, the full reasoned decision of the Adjudicatory Chamber will not be published prior to publication of the final award by the CAS,” UEFA said.

The Premier League club responded to UEFA’s decision and in a statement said it was “disappointed but not surprised by today’s announcement.”

“The club has always anticipated the ultimate need to seek out an independent body and process to impartially consider the comprehensive body of irrefutable evidence in support of its position,” Man City said.

“In December 2018, the UEFA Chief Investigator publicly previewed the outcome and sanction he intended to be delivered to Manchester City before any investigation had even begun. The subsequent flawed and consistently leaked UEFA process he oversaw has meant that there was little doubt in the result that he would deliver,” the club said.

“The club has formally complained to the UEFA Disciplinary body, a complaint which was validated by a CAS ruling,” Man City said. “Simply put, this is a case initiated by UEFA, prosecuted by UEFA and judged by UEFA.” IANS