
Three Indian wrestlers tested positive for Coronavirus

Sentinel Digital Desk

New Delhi: Three Indian wrestlers -- Deepak Punia (86kg), Navin (65kg) and Krishan (125kg) -- have been tested positive for Coronavirus, the Sports Authority of India (SAI) said on Thursday.

All wrestlers were tested, upon arrival for national camp at the SAI Centre in Sonepat, as per the SAI SOP for resumption of sports activities. As per the protocol, wrestlers along with the coaches and support staff were made to undergo mandatory RTPCR test for Covid -19, SAI said.

"Three senior men's wrestlers, who had reported to the national wrestling camp at SAI Centre in Sonepat, have tested positive for COVID -19 virus," reads the statement.

"During the test wrestlers, Deepak Punia (86 kg), Navin (65 kg) and Krishan (125 kg) were found positive and have been moved to a SAI empanelled hospital as a precautionary measure and for further monitoring," it added. IANS

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