
Goalpara Division Forest Officer, Goalpara Invites Tender for Sal Coppice Management under CAMPA Scheme

Goalpara Division Forest Officer, Goalpara invites tender for Sal Coppice Management under CAM-PA Scheme up to 4th year maintenance plantation

Sentinel Digital Desk


Sealed tender affixing non-refundable court fee stamp of Rs. 8.25 (Rupees eight and twenty five paisa) only are invited from the intending participants having experience of forestry activities in the field of Plantation/Nursery works for 25.0 ha. Erection of fencing,Creation & upto 4th (fourth) year maintenance of Plantation of Sal Coppice Management under CAMPA Scheme as detailed below:

Sl No

Name of works

Unit (in ha)

Estimated Amount (In Rs.)


Earnest Money (In Rs.)


Sal Coppice Management under CAMPA Scheme up to 4th year maintenance Plantation:

A. Erection of fencing

B. Creation & 1st year maintenance.

C. 2nd year maintenance.

D. 3rd year maintenance.

E. 4th year maintenance.



Guriajhar RF under Central Range, Krishnai

2% for general 1% for Reserved Category (SC/ST/ OBC)

The Tenders will be received up to 3.00 P.M. (IST) on 4th February'2021 in the office of the Divisional Forest Officer (T), Goalpara Division, Goalpara and will be opened on the same day at 3.30 P.M. (IST) in presence of the participants in tender or their authorized representatives. In the event of unforeseen bandh/holiday etc. the tender will be received and opened on the next working day at the same time.

Detailed particulars of the work and other terms and condition may be seen in the office of the undersigned during office hours. Tender papers and other details may be obtained from the office of the undersigned on any working day up to 3rd February 2021 on payment of Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred) only for each set of tender notice and form. The undersigned is not bound to accept the lowest bid and reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason thereof.

Terms and Condition:

1. The tenderer having experience in the field of forestry activities/allied activities shall be given preference.

2. The works will be governed by the departmental guidelines and approved norms.

3. The issue of work order is subject to sanction and release of fund by the authority.


Divisional Forest Officer (T)

Goalpara Division, Goalpara