Item rate tender is hereby invited on behalf of the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh from all Registered & eligible Contractors & Vendors/firms having Valid Trading license with GST Registration, for "Supply and Procurement of Materials" pertaining to MGNREGA works 2020-21 under MGNREGA, DRDA Khonsa, Tirap District amounting to Rs. 4,92,66,996.00 (Rupees Four hundred Ninety Two Lakhs Sixty Six thousand Nine hundred Ninety Six) only in CPWD Form- 8 in two bid system from all registered contractors/Suppliers/Vendors in class IV and III categories domiciled within the territorial jurisdiction of Tirap District as per the Arunachal Pradesh District based Entrepreneurs and Professionals (Development and Promotional) Act 2015, published vide Notification No. SPWD/W-66/2012 Dtd. 13th August 2015 & published in Arunachal Pradesh Extra Gazette No. 224 Vol.XXII dtd. 11th Sept 2015, for the work as stated below:
- Tender papers can be obtained from the office of the Project Director, DRDA Khonsa, District Tirap from date of publication i.e 17/07/2020 to 23/07/2020 during office hours from 1000 hours upto 1400 hours by remitting cost of Tender paper either by cash or Demand Draft (Nonrefundable) drawn in favour of the Project Director, DRDA District, Arunachal Pradesh.
- Sealed Tender documents (Technical Bid with EMD & Financial Bid) shall be received upto 1200 hrs, of 23/07/2020 and shall be opened on 24/07/2020 at 1000 hours in the office chamber of the Project Director, DRDA Khonsa, District Tirap, Arunachal Pradesh in presence of intending contractors) or his (their) authorized representatives.
- The Earnest Money shall be accepted in the form of Deposit at Call Receipt of a Scheduled Nationalized Bank/Fixed deposit receipt of a scheduled Nationalized Bank/Demand Draft of a Scheduled nationalized Bank guaranteed by the Reserve Bank of India issued in favour of the Project Director, DRDA Khonsa, District Tirap, Ar. Pradesh which should accompany with the Tender documents.
- The Contractors/ Vendors/ Firms should furnish the following initial requirements along with application form and requisite cost of tender documents for issue of tender paper;
- The Applicant Contractor/ Vendor/ Firm must produce original Contractor registration certificate/ Valid Trading License, GSTIN registration certificate with valid GST return file certificate, TIN/TAN in the name of the registered firm along with up to date income tax clearance certificate.
- This Applicant Contractor/ Vendor/ Firm shall submit No-dues certificate (NDC)/No objection Certificate (NOC) from the concerned Nationalized Bank operating his account duly issued by the Branch Manager in order to participate in the tender.
- The Applicant Contractor must produce Non-Litigation Certificate. The contractor/ Vendor/ Firm having litigant history shall not be issued tender documents.
- Produce Work Experience Certificate having satisfactorily completed similar nature of works for last three years.
- The tenders without Earnest Money shall be summarily rejected.
- Joint ventures are not acceptable.
- The tender should have a minimum annual financial turn over on supply work of at least 100% of the estimated cost during the preceding last 3 consecutive financial years.
- Acceptance of tender at justified rates with allowable variations as per CPWD Works manual 2018, shall be strictly followed.
- The Contractor/ vendor/ firm should have solvency certificate from any nationalized bank not less than 50% of tendered amount.
- The vendor/ firm should be domicile within the territorial jurisdiction of Tirap District, Arunachal Pradesh complying District based Entrepreneur Act 2015.
- Tender Paper duly completed in all respect should be submitted in one large envelope marked as "Tender for supply of Non-wage materials under MGNREGA' containing 2(two) separate sealed envelopes for Technical Bids and Financial Bids.
- The bidder will have to adhere to all the terms and condition laid down in tender documents.
- This Supply works should be carried out as per the approved NIT Quantity, Quality and specification of materials.
- This undersigned reserves the right to accept/reject any or all the tenders received without assigning any reason thereof.
- In case of any dispute, the legal jurisdiction of the case will be within Tirap District, Arunachal Pradesh.
- All other terms and conditions shall be reflected in the technical bid documents which will be issued to then interested bidders.
- A pre-bid meeting will be held on 23/07/2020 at 1430 Hrs. at the office chamber of the Project Director, DRDA Khonsa, District Tirap, Ar. Pradesh to clarify the issues and answer questions on any matter relating to tender that may arise at that stage.
Joint Director (RE)
Rural Development Department,