
Superintendent of Police, SB (E), Guwahati invite tender for auction/selling of the old news paper

Sentinel Digital Desk


Sealed tenders affixing court fee stamp of Rs. 8.25 (Rupees eight and paisa twenty five) only are hereby invited from the local firm for auction/selling of the old news paper about 4-41/2 Qtl available at this office the same if which will be received by the undersigned in this office during office hours up to 2 pm on 21/10/2020 and will be opened on the same day 3 pm. The tenderer or their authorised representative may remain present at the time of opening of the tenders.

Terms and condition:

  1. The rate should be quoted both in figure and word per kg for each item viz fresh paper and scrap papers.
  2. The highest rate quoted by the firm will be accepted.
  3. The selected tenders will collect the auctioned paper within 7 days observing all formalities from this office at their own cost.
  4. The undersigned is not bound to accept the highest rate and reserve the right to reject any or all the tenders rate without assigning any reason thereof.
  5. The Tenderer should furnish copies of identity proof and address proof in support of the bids.

Superintendent of Police, SB (E)
Assam, Kahilipara, Guwahati-1