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22 sq km of land reclaimed from Brahmaputra in Majuli: Report

Sentinel Digital Desk

Staff Reporter

Guwahati: A land mass area of 22.08 sq km was reclaimed in Majuli during the period from 2004 to 2016, which has increased the land area of the river island.

This was revealed in the Annual Report 2022-23 published by the Brahmaputra Board recently.

According to the report, the total area of Majuli in 2004 was 502.21 sq km. Following land reclamation efforts, the area increased to 524.29 sq km in 2016, leading to an increase of 22.08 sq km of land area.

The year-wise breakdown of the increase in net area reclaimed from the Brahmaputra in Majuli: In 2008, the net area reclaimed was 4.16 sq km; in 2011 it was 13.89 sq km; in 2013 it was 2.47 sq km; in 2014, it was 1.15; and in 2016, the net area reclaimed was 0.41 sq km.

The Brahmaputra Board's report further states that there is implementation of anti-erosion measures underway in Majuli.

Protection of Majuli Island from floods and erosion: On the basis of recommendations of the 8th and 9th visits of the Standing Committee of Experts on Protection of Majuli Island and the Technical Advisory Committee of the Brahmaputra Board (TAC-BB), another proposal for protection of Majuli Island from floods and erosion of the river Brahmaputra was approved by the Govt. of India at a cost of Rs 233.57 crore, out of which Rs. 207.00 crore was financed by the Ministry of DoNER under NLCPR.

The works comprised of:

i) Bank revetment with geobags filled with earth or sand for a reach length of 27 km in 14 locations.

ii) RCC porcupine work in 41 locations.

97.45% of the physical progress of the work was achieved up to March 2023.

The following are the major achievements: Raising and strengthening of 96.2 km of embankment, leading to the flood problem inside the embankment system being contained.

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