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AASU flays Delhi-Dispur for unfulfilled promises

Sentinel Digital Desk

NRC update: AASU & 26 organisations to conduct awareness drive

By Our Staff Reporter

Guwahati, Nov 19: The All Assam Students Union on Thursday accused the Central government of going back on its assurances and asked Home Minister Rajth Singh as to when the joint Indo-Bangla border visit that was planned for August will actually be organized.

"During a semir organized on the occasion of 30 years of Assam Accord on August 11-12 last in New Delhi, the Union Home Minister had said he would undertake a joint visit to the Indo-Bangladesh border with an AASU team later that month. He had also committed to arrange a tripartite meeting on implementation of the Assam Accord. None of the assurances has been fulfilled till date," AASU president Dipanka Kumar th said.

Alleging that both the ruling BJP at the Centre and the Congress in the State are engaged in a "competition" to secure their vote-banks ahead of the assembly elections, AASU advisor Sammujal Kumar Bhattacharya said that neither of the governments are fulfilling their promises.

Reiterating the AASU's opposition to the Central government notification regularizing minority refugees from Bangladesh and Pakistan, th insisted that immigrants cannot be divided on commul lines. "Assam is not a dumping ground. We cannot take any more burden. We will continue with our protests," he said.

AASU general secretary Lurinjyoti Gogoi said the AASU and 26 other organizations will launch an awareness drive to ensure that not a single Bangladeshi's me is included in the NRC that is being updated now.

Alleging that the State government is trying to scuttle the NRC update exercise for "political gains", Gogoi dubbed such actions as "unforgiveable sins" and insisted that political parties should do politics keeping in mind the interests of the indigenous people or else the AASU is "committed to oppose it".

He appealed to the people to cooperate in the NRC update exercise to ensure that a correct document is put in place which will impart a "forward direction towards achieving the long-standing demand of constitutiol safeguard for the indigenous people of the State."