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Aspirations of Assamese will Reflect in Report: AASU GS Lurinjyoti Gogoi

Sentinel Digital Desk

Staff Reporter

GUWAHATI: AASU general secretary Lurinjyoti Gogoi, one of the members of the 14-member high-level committee on the implementation of Clause 6 of the Assam Accord, has said that the committee will try its best to submit its report to the MHA (Ministry of Home Affairs) in tandem with the hopes and aspirations of the people of the State.

Talking to The Sentinel, Lurinjyoti Gogoi said: “In its report the committee will take care to ensure that all political, linguistic, cultural and other rights of the people of the State are protected. For this, the committee has sought opinions and suggestions from various ethnic groups, organizations and communities of the State. By now, many organizations have submitted memoranda to the high-level committee. Discussions will be held with all major stakeholders. Proper implementation of Clause 6 of the Assam Accord can ensure constitutional safeguards to the people of the State.”

Meanwhile, the MHA is yet to respond to the proposal sent to it by the high-level committee for the inclusion of three more terms – exclusive right over land, reservation of seats in Parliament and jobs in central government, PSUs and other private organizations for Assamese – in the terms of reference of the committee. According to sources, the MHA has sought opinions from Dispur on these three issues and the State government has also made its opinion known to the Union ministry. However, the MHA is yet to inform the high-level committee anything on these three additional terms. According to sources, the high-level committee is going to seek stakeholders’ opinions and suggestions on the three additional terms even though it has not got response on these from the MHA as yet.

Clause 6 of the historic Assam Accord states: “Constitutional, legislative and administrative safeguards, as may be appropriate, shall be provided to protect, preserve and promote the cultural, social, linguistic identity and heritage of the Assamese people”.