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Assam Tea maintains falling trend in Q1; climate change plays spoilsport

Sentinel Digital Desk

GUWAHATI: The first quarter of 2023-24 has begun on a falling trend insofar as tea production in Assam is concerned. It bears significance as the state is celebrating 200 years of Assam tea.

And circles concerned blame the falling trend of Assam tea on climate change.

According to the latest statistics of the Tea Board India, the production of Assam tea from April to June in 2023-24 (Q1) was 168.38 M (million) kg (provisional), compared to 179.36 M kg during the corresponding period in 2022-23. The fall in production in the first quarter of this year was 10.97 million kg.

The month-wise breakup of tea production in the state in Q1 of this fiscal year is: 37.92 M kg in April, 66.93 M kg in May, and 63.51 M kg in June. During this period, the contributions of big and small tea growers in the state were almost the same. According to the Tea Board, big tea growers produced 84.22 M kg in Q1 compared to 84.14 M kg by small growers in the state.

The total tea production in the state in fiscal 2022-23 was 1347.97 M kg, and of this, the contribution by big growers was 659.96 M kg and that of small growers was 715.01 M kg.

Talking to The Sentinel, secretary of the All Assam Small Tea Growers' Association, Jorhat District Committee, Krishna Prasad Sarma, said, "It has come to our attention that the tea production in the state is maintaining a falling trend. The reason behind the fall in tea production in the state is climate change. Slight rainfall was very important in January, February, and March for the better growth of tea bushes. However, showers skipped the three months. Showers at night and sunshine during the day create an ideal atmosphere for better tea production. Though the state received rain in April this year, showers at night and sunshine during the day did not happen. And this odd weather has affected the small growers the worst, as, unlike some of the big growers, they have no facilities for sprinkling water on the tea bushes. The government needs to conduct some studies to minimize the adverse impact of climate change."

Meanwhile, a source at the Tea Board said that climate is one of the reasons for the fall in tea production in the state. Thirty degrees Celsius is the ideal temperature for tea production. However, during the peak season of tea production, the temperature exceeded 30 degrees Celsius most of the season in the state, the source said.

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