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Assam to set up 50 new border outposts: Minister Atul Bora

Sentinel Digital Desk


GUWAHATI: Assam's Border Protection and Development Minister Atul Bora informed the Assam Legislative Assembly on Wednesday that the Assam Police has already set up 102 border outposts on the inter-state borders in the state and the government has decided to set up an additional 50 border outposts in these areas.

Bora said that construction work on 20 of the new border outposts will start very soon.

Bora stated this in response to a written question from Congress MLA Samsul Huda.

The Border Protection and Development Minister further said that the government has decided to set up 12 additional second-line-defence outposts along the international border with Bangladesh. There are already 28 such outposts in existence, Bora informed the House.

Earlier during the Question Hour, Bora stated in the House said that most of the neighbouring states were carved out of Assam and had the borders been properly demarcated at that stage, the present-day disputes would not have arisen.

Regarding the report of the high power committee on Clause 6 of the Assam Accord, which was set up by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Bora said that the committee has submitted its report to the state government. However, there are some legal issues in the report, as a result of which the state government has set up a sub-committee to examine the matter. Once the sub-committee clears up the legal issues, the state government will submit the report to the Centre, Bora said.

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