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Don't just sit in office, conduct field visits: Minister Atul Bora directs officers

Sentinel Digital Desk


GUWAHATI: State Agriculture Minister Atul Bora today directed agricultural officers to not just sit in their offices but to make field visits and interact with farmers. He said that agricultural officers should focus on helping farmers increase yields. Increased agricultural production will in turn boost the rural economy, said the minister.

Bora was addressing a gathering on the concluding day of the 7th Assam International Agricultural Park Crop Fair 2022. Besides increasing agricultural productivity, he also laid stress on the increased involvement of youth in agricultural activities. He said that it was imperative to create awareness among the new generation about new technologies and new methods for adoption in the agricultural sector. "Our aim now is to give global recognition and status to Assam's agri economy," said the minister.

He lauded the agri scientists who were supporting farmers by coming up with new and innovative ways to enhance production. He further said that district-level agricultural officers should work with dedication and commitment to understand the problems and challenges faced by the farmers and to come up with solutions to these problems.

"The government has provided many facilities and benefits to farmers. The agricultural officers should ensure that these benefits reach the deserving beneficiary farmers," said Bora.

"The government has ushered in reforms in the agricultural sector. Youths are getting involved in agricultural activities and our horticultural products are being exported to other countries. We should lay more thrust development of the horticultural sector," he added.

The minister said that due to climate change, many areas in the State witness drought-like situations. "Agri scientists should study farmers' vulnerability to climate change and come up with strategies to mitigate risks," he said.

Bora admitted that the agricultural sector had many lacunae. There had been anomalies in the supply of fertilizers and seeds. "But the government is now looking into all this and steps have been taken to streamline the agricultural marketing system. If farmers see more lacunae, they should immediately bring these to the notice of the government," he said.

"The government has recognized problems associated with the agri sector of the State and made efforts to bring rapid changes to the sector and serve the cause of farmers. In 2020-21, the government had sanctioned Rs 2160 crore credit for farmers through Kisan Credit Cards (KCC)," said the minister.

Assam produces a wide range of horticulture products. The State has tremendous scope to promote the horticultural sector. Sources said that horticultural crops occupy 15% of the gross cultivated area of the State with an annual production of more than 67 lakh metric tonnes of various horticultural products. The State has now emphasized the commercialization of this sector on a priority basis. The emphasis of the State is now on improving the production of various commercially-potential crops through the use of better technology, management and provision of planting materials to the farmers.

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