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NRC Can Be A Launch Pad For All Future Processes: Hitendra Nath Goswami

Sentinel Digital Desk

Staff Reporter

GUWAHATI: Amidst the dissenting voices from various quarters on the NRC published on August 31, 2019, Assam Legislative Assembly (ALA) Speaker Hitendra Nath Goswami has voiced his opinion stating that despite some errors, after 35 years the people of Assam have got ‘something tangible’ that can be the used as a launch pad for every future process on this front.

According to Goswami, 100 per cent accuracy is simply not possible in any activity. “There’ll always be some errors, so are in the NRC,” he said, and added: “Now we’re to find out ways with a humane approach to secure the future of the over 19 lakh people who’ve been declared ineligible for inclusion in the NRC. The State Government and the Centre have to work sincerely on that front, and if need be, the Centre has to hold talks with the neighbouring countries on this issue.”

The Speaker is elated to have said that tolerance on the part of the people of Assam has proved wrong the national media that had painted a grim picture of Assam and the Assamese even before the publication of the final NRC. “It’s tolerance of the people of the State that prevented any untoward incidents from occurring in the run-up and after the publication of the final NRC,” he said, and added: “Now all of us should focus on identifying genuine Indians and foreigners from the over 19 lakh people declared ineligible for inclusion in the final NRC.”

The Speaker of the State Assembly cleared the air on Thursday when he said that his scientist brother Jitendra Nath Goswami, now being a resident of Gujarat with voting rights, had opted not to apply for the inclusion of his name in the NRC. The situation seemed vitiated in the State when a few local media reported that scientist Jitendra Nath Goswami’s name had not been included in the NRC.