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Opposition disrupts Governor's speech at Assam Legislative Assembly Session

Sentinel Digital Desk


GUWAHATI: Opposing the Governor's speech on the first day of February Session of the Assam Legislative Assembly on Thursday, the Congress and the AIUDF disrupted the Governor's speech. The Governor had to complete his 94-page speech in around five minutes.

While delivering his address, when the Governor uttered that his Government has adopted 'a policy of zero tolerance to corruption', the members of the Congress and the AIUDF rose to their full heights and rushed to the well, shouting slogans with placards. They were shouting full throttle that 'there is corruption at all levels in the State'. The ruckus created by the two Opposition parties made the Governor conclude his speech all of a sudden.

Talking to the media outside the House later, CLP (Congress Legislature Party) leader Debabrata Saikia said, "Corrupt practices are going on in Forest and Mine and Mineral sectors, including extraction and carrying of stone, stone chips, sand and timber. I did file a PIL (Public Interest Litigation) in this regard in the Gauhati High Court last year. The High Court asked the government to form an STF (Special Task Force) Battalion to check the menace. When the government didn't form any such task force even after one year, I moved the Court against, leading the High Court to issue a Contempt of Court notice to the authority concerned.

"If the State government has adopted the policy of zero tolerance to corruption, what has made it not to form the task force as ordered by the High Court? In fact, there are corruptions of all hues at all levels in the State."