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Solar alliance will be life-giver to mankind: Modi

Sentinel Digital Desk

Gurgaon, Jan 25: Prime Minister rendra Modi on Monday said the Intertiol Solar Alliance will "work like a life-giver to mankind". At a function held here to lay the foundation stone of the Intertiol Solar Alliance (ISA) headquarters and iugurate an interim secretariat of the ISA, Modi said it will be like an "intertiol organisation" like the WHO and the UN, "but headquartered in India". The Intertiol Solar Alliance will "work like a life giver to mankind", Modi said. Modi said that at the recent COP 21 climate conference in Paris, two major initiatives were launched -- one was by the US and France on innovation on how to fight global warming and climate change, and the other was by India on the solar alliance. An initiative of Modi, the ISA was jointly launched by him and Hollande on November 30 last year ahead of the Paris climate summit. It is an alliance of some 120 countries situated between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.