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Some Cong MLAs supporting doubtful citizens, says Asom Gana Parishad

Sentinel Digital Desk


GUWAHATI: A few legislators of the Congress are always backing citizens of doubtful nationalities. This was stated by AGP (Asom Gana Parishad) general secretary Manoj Saikia.

Talking to The Sentinel on Thursday, Saikia added, "Opposing the eviction drives st Dhalpur within Sipajhar LAC (Legislative Assembly Constituency), some leaders of the APCC (Assam Pradesh Congress Comittee) State have already issued statements in support of the encroachers.Some other Congress leadsers and even a few MLAs (Members of Legislative Assembly) of the Congress in Assam have been issuing statements in favour of the 'Doubtful Citizens'.

He added, "Recently, Congress MLA Sherman Ali Ahmed also issued a derogatory statement on the martyrs of the historic six-year-long Assam agitation. Nobody has the right to degrade martyrs. But why is the APCC silent over this issue. ''It is a known fact that the Congress has a soft corner for the illegal migrants. And, this is primarily to derive political mileage. And, it is also a prime reason as to why the Congress has moved away from the greater Assamese society. "Lauding the government for carrying out the eviction drive at Dhalpur, Saikia urged the government to continue such eviction drives throughout the State.

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