10 health benefits of Ashwagandha


Reduces stress and anxiety: it is an adaptogen and fights anxiety and stress. It reduces stress and levels of cortisol by up to 30% in chronically stressed individuals. Ashwagandha oil helps in reducing stress and tensions and gives relieve to body ache.
Reduce pain and inflammation: Ashwagandha acts as a natural pain reliever. Ashwagandha herb is used to remove inflammation and pain, predominantly Ashwagandha tea.
Balance blood sugar:  Ashwagandha regulates the body's production of insulin. It ensures that blood sugar levels remain in control in both healthy individuals and those who have diabetes.
Improve depression: Ashwagandha helps in reducing symptoms of depressions.
Cure Asthma: Ashwagandha roots can be used for treating asthma.
Heart health: Ashwagandha keeps cholesterol, blood pressure, and chest pain in control. Adding Ashwagandha herb in your diet can be beneficial
Acne: The root of Ashwagandha herb has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties which protects the skin from infections and acne. It also boosts collagen production.
Boosts immunity: Ashwagandha helps in boosting immunity and improves the white blood cells and red blood cells.
Increase muscle mass: Ashwagandha helps in improving the muscle mass, body composition and overall strength.
Hair benefits: It can promote hair growth and improve hair health
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