Benefits of Amla

Sentinel Digital Desk

It helps fight the common cold

The vitamin C in amla is absorbed more easily by the body compared to store-bought supplements. Mix two teaspoons of amla powder with two teaspoons of honey and have it three to four times a day for instant relief when you have a cold or a cough or consume once daily for permanent protection.

Amla improves eyesight

Studies have shown that the carotene in amla improves vision. Daily consumption has also been linked to improvement in overall eye health as amla can reduce cataract problems, intraocular tension (the pressure you feel) as well as prevent reddening, itching, and watering of eyes. The Indian Gooseberry is also rich in Vitamin A that lowers the risk of age-related macular degeneration

It burns fat

This is the least talked-about yet most exciting benefit of amla. A protein present in amla helps prevent cravings. Amla also has a very low carbohydrate and fat content.

Amla builds immunity

Amla’s antibacterial and astringent properties boost one’s immune system. A significant number of health problems including cancer are caused by oxidative damage –when body cells use oxygen,they leave behind harmful by-products called free radicals. Considering amla is a potent antioxidant agent, it can prevent this oxidation and help in protecting the cell

Amla beautifies hair

Amla, like curry leaves, is a proven tonic for hair. It has plenty of essential fatty acids which penetrate deep into the follicles and slow down greying, prevents dandruff, and strengthens hair follicles. This tangy fruit has high iron and carotene content, thus boosting hair growth. Amla also acts as a natural conditioner giving you soft shimmering locks.

Amla improves skin

Amla is the best anti-ageing fruit. The Vitamin C and antioxidants present in amla reduces fine lines, wrinkles and offers radiant skin. Drinking amla juice with honey every morning can give you blemish-free, healthy and glowing skin.

Amla helps manage chronic conditions

Amla is loaded with chromium which aids in reducing bad cholesterol and also helps stimulate insulin production, thereby reducing the blood glucose level of diabetics. Drinking amla juice early every morning or when one’s blood pressure is raised helps keep the blood pressure level under control, too.

It relieves pain

Be it arthritis-related joint aches or painful mouth ulcers, amla can provide relief owing to its anti-inflammatory properties. Amla is used as an analgesic to treat wounds and research says that its extracts are useful in easing postoperative and neuropathic pain.
