Most Dangerous Chemicals in the World


Botulinum Toxin

It is made by the Clostridium botulinum bacterium and is used in tiny amounts for cosmetic surgery.


Batrachotoxin is one of the most potent non-peptide-based poisons known to man. It is commonly utilized in poison darts from, funnily enough, poison-dart frogs. 

Chlorine Trifluoride 

Chlorine trifluoride is famous for its ability to corrode glass. It is a so-called interhalogen compound that is colorless, highly corrosive and an extremely reactive chemical.

Potassium cyanide

Potassium cyanide is a highly poisonous chemical that kills in minutes. For this reason, it has historically been used as a suicide pill by some prominent people. 


VX, or Venomous Agent X, is a nasty nerve agent specifically designed for use in war. It was created by British military researchers and is deadly in doses as low as 10 mg. 


It is a highly potent toxin, and a dose the size of just a few grains of table salt will kill a human outright. Ricin was investigated for a time for its potential applications in war, but interest was ultimately turned to the weaponization of sarin instead.


Sarin is a highly potent nerve agent that will kill exposed victims in less than ten minutes. It kills you through suffocation as your lung muscles become paralyzed due to inhalation. 


Strychnine is an old favorite for assassins and poisoners throughout history. While it is usually employed to dispatch unwanted pests, it can be used on humans too. 

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