World Population Day 2024: Seven Most Populous Countries In The World

Sentinel Digital Desk

World Population Day is an annual event held on July 11 that aims to promote awareness of worldwide population issues. The Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme founded the event in 1989.
In recent centuries, the world's population has increased dramatically. Here are seven most populated countries in the world.
According to the World Population Review, India has surpassed China as the world's most populated country, with an estimated 1.44 billion citizens.
China, with 1.42 billion people, comes next.


With 341 million citizens, USA takes the third spot.
With a population of 279 million, Indonesia ranked fourth.
Pakistan, with 244 million people, came in fifth place on the list.
Nigeria stood at sixth, with a population of 228 million citizens.
Brazil, with 217 million citizens, came seventh on the list.