Yoga Poses For Gut Health

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Uttanasana : Standing Forward Bend

Enhances hamstring and Spine Flexibility, calms Mind, aids digestion and eases constipation

Utthita parsvakonasana : Triangle Pose

Helps relieve constipation, boosts digestion and opens the chest, neck, hips and shoulders for mental acuity

Ushtrasana : Camel Pose

Stretches the stomach and intestines, potentially easing constipation and stimulating the adrenal glands for better digestion

Rajakapotasana : Half-Pigeon Pose

Suitable for IBS and people living with Crohn's Disease, it stretches the psoas muscle, aiding digestion and reducing spinal stress

Dhanurasana : Bow Pose

Alleviates constipation and lower back pain and relaxes abdominal muscles for improved digestion

Balasana : Child's Pose

Eases constipation by compressing the abdomen and massaging internal organs