Samaguri Assembly Constituency is in Nagaon district and falls under Kaliabor Lok Sabha Constituency. The current MLA of Samaguri Assembly Constituency is Rakibul Islam. Samaguri Assembly Constituency is in Nagaon district of Assam and falls under Kaliabor Lok Sabha Constituency. It bears the constituency number 88.
Sitting MLA: Rakibul Hussain (INC)
Samaguri Lok Sabha Constituency is a part of the 14 Lok Sabha Constituencies of Assam, which comprises assembly segments such as Sarupathar (94), Golaghat (95), Dergaon (97), Bokakhat (93), Dhing (83), Batadroba (84), Rupohihat (85), Samaguri (88), Kaliabor (89) and Khumtai (96). In the Lok Sabha election of 2019, Gaurav Gogoi, a candidate of the Indian National Congress (INC) had won a seat as the Member of Parliament from Kaliabor Lok Sabha Constituency by defeating Moni Madhab Mahanta from Asom Gana Parishad (AGP).
The town that falls under Samaguri Assembly Constituency is Rupahi town (Census Town) with a population of 8,052. There are about 177 villages are under Samaguri Assembly Constituency. Major villages are Bajia Gaon, Bhagamur, and Borghat.
No. Of Towns | No. Of Villages |
8,085 | 177 |
The current MLA of Samaguri Assembly Constituency is Rakibul Hussain of INC.
According to the Census 2011, the total population of Samaguri is 28,23,768 of which 14,39,112 are males and 13,84,656 are females.
Total Population 2011 Census |
Male |
14,39,112 |
Female |
13,84,656 |
Total |
28,23,768 |
Samaguri Assembly Constituency has water facilities of Over Hand Tank (OHT) and tap water from a treated source. The residents of Samaguri also enjoy the facilities of tube wells and boreholes. There is also an availability of fire-fighting services at Samaguri.
There is domestic electrification at Samaguri. The availability of industrial and commercial electrification and road lighting is evident at few points at Samaguri.
About 55% of the overall population are Muslims and about 43% of the overall population are Hindus. The languages that are spoken in the area are Assamese, Bengali, and Hindi.
The constituency's Scheduled Caste ratio is 12.36 and the Scheduled Tribe ratio is 1.23.
Ratio of Scheduled Caste |
12.36 |
Ratio of Scheduled Tribe |
1.23 |
There are no cities in Samaguri Assembly Constituency as 100% of its area is rural.
The total number of electorates in the Samaguri Assembly Constituency is 132397, where 68757 is the number of male electorates and 63640 is the number of female electorates...
Total Electorates |
Male |
Female |
132397 |
68757 |
63640 |
Samaguri's average sex ratio is 970 females per thousand males
About 55830 children are under six years in Samaguri Circle, of which 28156 are male and 27674 are female.
• The polling percentage in the 2019 Lok Sabha Election was 86.2%.
• The polling percentage in the 2016 Assembly Election was 89.79%.
In the Assembly Election of 1996, Atul Kumar Sharma of AGP won with 32.04% of votes. In Assembly Elections of 2001, 2006, 2011, and 2016, Rakibul Hussain won with 48.91%, 51.17%, 57.12%, and 51.95% of votes, respectively, and the constituency proved to be a Congress stronghold.
Polling Percentage or Votes |
1996 |
Atul Kumar Sharma (AGP) |
32.04% (20770 votes) |
2001 |
Rakibul Hussain (INC) |
48.91% (38022 votes) |
2006 |
Rakibul Hussain (INC) |
51.17% (51601 votes) |
2011 |
Rakibul Hussain (INC) |
57.12% (61332 votes) |
2016 |
Rakibul Hussain (INC) |
51.95% (66364 votes) |
In the 2016 Assembly Election, Rakibul Hussain of INC won with 51.95% of votes. Jitu Gogoi of BJP was the runner-up with 40.59% of votes. Moskur Rahman Choudhury of AIDUF secured 5.26% of the votes. Independent candidates Chitta Ranjan Paul and Pradip Kalita secured 1% and 0.44% of votes, respectively. 0.76% of votes were given to "None of the Above."
The candidates contesting in 2016 Assembly Election are Rakibul Hussain of INC, Jitu Gogoi of BJP, Moskur Rahman Choudhury of AIDUF, and independent candidates Chitta Ranjan Paul and Pradip Kalita. Finally, Rakibul Hussain of INC won with 51.95% of votes.