Baithalangso is a village located in Donka Tehsil of Assam in the district of West Karbi Anglong. Baithalangso Assembly Constituency falls under Autonomous District Lok Sabha Assembly. The seat is specially reserved for the Scheduled Tribes (ST). It is situated 150 km away from the district headquarter Donka sub-division of Baithalangso village.
BaithalangsoAssembly Constituency is one of the 126 assembly constituencies of the Assam Legislative Assembly and falls under BaithalangsoLok Sabha Constituency. It bears the assembly constituency number 020. Dr Mansing Rongpi of the INC party won the Vidhansabha election in 2016, with the maximum number of votes and the runner up was Arun Terang of the BJP party.
The Autonomous District Parliamentary constituency is the number 3 constituency in Assam. It belongs to the state of Assam is made up of 5 assembly constituency segment which are Bokajan (1), Diphu (2), Hamren (1), N. C. Hills (1)districts. Dr MansingRongpiof INC party in the Lok Sabha election of 2019 won with 62596 votes and the runner up were Arun Terangof BJP party. The number of votes with which BJP won the elections of 2019 are 53077 votes.
It lies in the West Karbi Anglong district and has been formed from the existing Karbi Anglong district of Assam.
The nearest town is Donka which is approximately 17km away from Baithalangso.
Baithalangsois an assembly constituency from Assam and the latest election was held in 2016. In the Vidhansabha election of 2016, MLA of BaithalangsoAssembly Constituency is Dr MansingRongpiof INC party.
Position |
Candidate Name |
Party |
Total Votes |
Percentage Share |
1 |
Dr.MansingRongpi |
62596 |
42.84% |
2 |
Arun Terang |
53077 |
36.33% |
Total population:
The total population of the Baithalangso Assembly Constituency is 1,987 of which 1005 are males and 982 are females.
There are about 406 households in the Baithalangso Assembly Constituency.
The total number of electorates in BaithalangsoAssembly Constituency is 1,80,203and out of them the total number which turned out are 1,43,129 (81.08 %) electorates.
Gender |
Age Range |
Total |
18-24 |
25-34 |
35-44 |
44-54 |
55-64 |
65+ |
Male |
11,086 ( 6.7 %) |
27,978 ( 16.9 %) |
18,005 ( 10.8 %) |
12,116 ( 7.3 %) |
6,103 ( 3.7 %) |
5,006 ( 3.0 %) |
80,294 ( 48.4 %) |
Female |
11,411 ( 6.9 %) |
28,189 ( 17.0 %) |
19,634 ( 11.8 %) |
14,066 ( 8.5 %) |
6,910 ( 4.2 %) |
5,443 ( 3.3 %) |
85,653 ( 51.6 %) |
Others |
7 ( 0.0 %) |
2 ( 0.0 %) |
0 ( 0.0 %) |
0 ( 0.0 %) |
2 ( 0.0 %) |
0 ( 0.0 %) |
11 ( 0.0 %) |
22,504 ( 13.6 %) |
56,169 ( 33.8 %) |
37,639 ( 22.7 %) |
26,182 ( 15.8 %) |
13,015 ( 7.8 %) |
10,449 ( 6.3 %) |
1,65,958 ( 100 %) |
Polling percentage for the last three years:
In the 2019BaithalangsoLok Sabha Seat election, Horen Sing Bey of the BJP party became the MP from the Autonomous District Parliamentary Constituency with a vote of 102242 and Biren Singh Engti stood second gaining 28382 votes.
In the Vidhansabha election of 2016, Dr. MansingRongpi of INC became the MLA from the Baithalangso Constituency with a vote of 62596and Arun Terang of BJP stood second gaining 53077 votes.
In the 2014 Baithalangso Lok Sabha Seat election, Biren Singh Engtiof the INC party became the MP from the Autonomous District Parliamentary Constituency with a vote of 54260 and Joy Ram Engleng of BJP stood second gaining 39689 votes.
In the 2019Baithalangso Lok Sabha Seat election, Horen Sing Bey of the BJP party became the MP from the Autonomous District Parliamentary Constituency with a vote of 102242 and Biren Singh Engti stood second gaining 28382 votes.
In the Vidhansabha election of 2016, Dr MansingRongpi of INC became the MLA from the theBaithalangso Constituency with a vote of 62596 and Arun Terang of BJP stood second gaining 53077 votes.
In the 2014BaithalangsoLok Sabha Seat election, Biren Singh Engti of the INC party became the MP from the Autonomous District Parliamentary Constituency with a vote of 54260 and Joy Ram Engleng of BJP stood second gaining 39689 votes.
In the Vidhansabha election of 2011, Dr. MansingRongpi of INC became the MLA from the theBaithalangso Constituency with a vote of 64059 and Jotson Bey INDcandidate stood second gaining 54721votes.
Votes of top 5 candidates in election Assembly 2016
Position |
Candidate Name |
Party |
Total Votes |
Percentage Share |
1 |
Dr.MansingRongpi |
62596 |
42.84% |
2 |
Arun Terang |
53077 |
36.33% |
3 |
HoliramTerang |
25171 |
17.23% |
4 |
None Of The Above |
2981 |
2.04% |
5 |
Dhonsing Hanse |
2285 |
1.56% |
Dr MansingRongpi of INC became the MLA from the Baithalangso Constituency with a vote of 62596 and Arun Terang of BJP stood second gaining 53077 votes.