#MeToo: Ministry of Women and Child Development to set up panel to look into issues

#MeToo: Ministry of Women and Child Development to set up panel to look into issues

Minister for Women and Child Development Maneka Gandhi today announced her ministry is going to set up a four-member committee to examine all #MeToo cases in India.

The #MeToo cases hit India recently after two years it was started in Hollywood.

News Agency PTI, quoted Gandhi who said that a four-member committee of retired judges will be formed to probe all the recent cases that have arisen in the past few days under the #MeToo campaign in India.

“I believe in all of them. I believe in the pain and trauma behind every single complainant. I am proposing to set up a committee with senior judicial and legal persons as members to look into all issues emanating from the #MeToo campaign,” said Gandhi.

She mentioned that the panel will investigate the legal and institutional framework which is in place for handling complaints of sexual harassment and advise the ministry on how to strengthen these frameworks.

The #MeToo movement gathered momentum since last week when many women speaking out on sexual harassment and inappropriate behavious by many noted personalities. This also includes Union minister and former editor MJ Akbar.

"Men who are in positions of power often do this. And it applies to the media as well as to politics or senior personnel in companies. Women are scared to speak out because they think people would make fun of them and doubt their character but now when they are speaking out we should take action against each and every allegation," said, the Women and Child Development Minister.

Gandhi also said, "You'll always remember the person who did it which is why we've written to Law Ministry that complaints should be without any time limit. You can now complain 10-15 yrs later doesn't matter how much later. If you're going to complain the avenue is still open,”

Sentinel Assam