Assam: Increased Heat Causes Death of Fishes in Biswanath

Many fish have died in a natural water body in Biswanath, unable to withstand the extreme heat.
Assam: Increased Heat Causes Death of Fishes in Biswanath
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Biswanath: Assam and the entire northeast India is facing a major heatwave in the past few days. Apart from health problems for humans, heat waves have become a major problem for aquatic creatures as well. 

Many fish have died in a natural water body in Biswanath, unable to withstand the extreme heat. This unprecedented incident is possibly the first of its kind in the region, where large-scale fish deaths have occurred in the waters of the beel due to soaring temperatures.

The relentless heatwave, from sunrise to late night, has made conditions unbearable for workers in schools, government offices, and private businesses. The extreme temperatures have been overwhelming, with people struggling to cope.

For the people depending on the beel for fish, the situation is even more dire. During this summer season, they are facing unbearable conditions due to the heatwave. The intense temperatures, triggering the death of fish have severely impacted their livelihood.

In Biswanath’s Swaguri beel, fish are dying daily because they cannot endure the rising temperatures. A local person who had taken a lease on the beel to raise fish is facing a crisis with quintals of dead fish floating in the water because of the intense heat. It is estimated that 20-22 quintals of fish have perished in the past few days due to the relentless heat.

While it is not uncommon for water to dry up in fields, this marks the first time in Biswanath that such a large quantity of fish has died in a water body like the beel. With temperatures expected to rise further, it is almost certain that the death toll of fish in the beel will increase if the rains do not arrive anytime soon.

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