Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) Amends Constitution, to Form Student Wing

Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) Amends Constitution, to Form Student Wing

The AGP (Asom Gana Parishad) amended its constitution on Thursday and paved the way for, among other issues, formation of its students’ wing – Asom Chatra Parishad (ACP). Since its inception in 1985, the regional party has been making do without any students’ wing. The party is going to fight the next election as a reorganized and streamlined regional force.

The regional party held its general house meeting at its Ambari head office here on Thursday. At the time of floating the party in 1985, the AGP had decided not to involve students in electoral politics. However, over the past 34 years, the party felt the necessity of a students’ wing like other parties in the State. The AGP now feels that other political parties in the State, backed by their respective students’ wings, have an edge over the regional party in electoral politics. It also feels that the political situation in the State some 34 years ago and now is like chalk and cheese.

The General House has also brought a number of structural amendments in its reorganizations, bestowing more power to the Legislative Assembly Constituency (LAC) committees than the district committees. Earlier the district committees of the party were more powerful than its LAC committees. Now on the LAC committees of the party will have under them regional committees and branch committees. Against the existing organizational pattern now on the 33 districts of the State will have a district committee each. Another significant amendment is that the LAC committees can nominate certain number of members to the district and central committees and only such nominated members can be office-bearers of both the committees, not other members.

The meeting chaired by party president Atul Bora was attended, among others, by minister Keshab Mahanta, minister Phani Bhushan Choudhury, former chief minister Prafulla Kumar Mahanta and Rajya Sabha MP Birendra Prasad Baishya. Representatives of all the existing district committee members were present at the meeting.

Sentinel Assam