Assam Book of Records felicitates 5 record holders

Assam Book of Records felicitates 5 record holders
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Staff Reporter

GUWAHATI: The Assam Book of Records (ABR) felicitated five Assamese persons for scripting records in their respective fields. ABR felicitated Rajib Dey, the youngest national coach of India; Elvis Ali Hazarika for holding the record to be the first Assamese to cross the Catalina Channel. Pulakesh Roymedhi and Manas Mazumder were felicitated for their initiative of the Negative Blood Donors' Group of Assam. Assam Book of Records also honored Suchibrata Sinha Choudhury for her individual tree planting initiative. Padmashree Lakhinandan Borah was present at the programme as the chief guest.

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