Assam: NABARD celebrates National Handloom Day in Guwahati city

NABARD celebrated 10th National Handloom Day on Tuesday at Guwahati with a promise to rejuvenate the handloom sector in Assam.
Assam: NABARD celebrates National Handloom Day in Guwahati city
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GUWAHATI: NABARD celebrated 10th National Handloom Day on Tuesday at Guwahati with a promise to rejuvenate the handloom sector in Assam. The event was graced by distinguished guests from various socio-economic and technical fields, including the secretary of Handloom and Textiles and Sericulture, Government of Assam, Dilip Kr Bora; chairman-cum-managing director of NEDFI, PVSLN Murthy; principal of Assam Textile Institute, Ashok Kumar Das; additional director of Handloom and Textiles, Government of Assam, Ranjit Deka; general manager of SIDBI, B P Verma; and GM of SLBC, Amresh Kr Jha.

The programme was attended by artisans, technocrats, bankers, NGOs, export houses, fashion designers, and boutique owners from the state.

In his welcome address, the chief general manager of NABARD, Assam, Loken Das, said that Handloom Day is a celebration to honour our vibrant traditional handloom heritage and the skilled artisans and weavers whose craftsmanship has shaped our cultural identity for centuries. NABARD initiated Off Farm Producer Organisation (OFPO), which are legal entities formed by artisans, weavers, craftsmen, etc., to promote rural enterprises, generate local employment through value addition, design innovation and development, processing, brand building, develop strong forward and backward linkages, and ensure better income realization. CGM also reiterated NABARD’s support for skilling and marketing, including onboarding to the online platform.

PVSLN Murthy, in his speech, urged NABARD to give thrust to handloom development in the state of Assam. Dilip Bora, in his address, stressed natural fibre production for both handloom and sericulture, product diversification to attract foreign markets, value addition for catering to a to a better market price, and the “Swanirbhar Naari Scheme” launched by the Government of Assam.

Ashok Kr Das, during his speech, highlighted the aspects of textile technology and the scientific method of production of bamboo fibre, banana fibre, and ramie fibre, which are environment-friendly in nature. Amresh Kr. Jha spoke about the need for a convergent model for the development of the handloom sector, stated a press release.

 Also read: 10th National Handloom Day Celebrated in Chirang: Weavers and Workers from BTR Join Festivities (

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