Assam Police Special Branch (APSB) Celebrates Assam Police Day

Assam Police Special Branch (APSB) Celebrates Assam Police Day


GUWAHATI: Assam Police Special Branch (APSB) observed Assam Police Day on Tuesday and organized various programmes in celebration of the day. A cultural programme was organized during the day where along with school children, various police personnel also participated. Yamini Basfor, a cleaning woman in APSB working for more than 30 years, was felicitated. Special attraction of the event were archers Pallabi Das, Pratibha Boro and trainers Bitul Neog and Manoj Pathak. In commomeration of the day, a friendly football match was also organized on September 22 and a drawing competition on September 28. A blood donation camp was organized on Monday.

Sentinel Assam