Assault on Woman Scribe: Journalists' union demands punishment for accused

The Gender Council of Journalists’ Union of Assam (JUA) staged a demonstration at Gauhati Press Club here
Assault on Woman Scribe: Journalists' union demands punishment for accused
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GUWAHATI: The Gender Council of Journalists' Union of Assam (JUA) staged a demonstration at Gauhati Press Club here on Tuesday against alleged abuse and assault of a woman journalist of an Assamese daily by organizers of an event.

Demanding justice for the woman journalist, Gender Council, JUA, president Samim Sultana Ahmed said, "It is unfortunate that a journalist has been assaulted while discharging her duty. We demand the police to investigate the matter thoroughly and ensure that the culprits are booked under stringent provisions of the law." She also demanded safety and security of journalists at workplace and field and urged the media fraternity to work unitedly to achieve it.

JUA state president and Indian Journalists' Union national president Geetartha Pathak, demanding security for journalists, said , "Asking tough questions by journalists is part of the responsible journalism . Those who face journalist must respect the right of the journalists to ask tough questions." Nipa Kakoty, the victim of the assault participating in the protest, demanded the authorities to investigate her case with utmost priority.

"I am suffering from a sense of fear now. I hope exemplary punishment is given to the culprits so that no one else can attempt such an act in future," Kakoty said.

JUA vice-president Palash Ranjan Bora and Gender Council, JUA, general secretary Sushmita Goswami, among others, participated in the protest, which saw journalists from different media houses coming together and raising slogans demanding security for journalists and justice for Kakoty.

Kakoty was verbally abused and physically assaulted while putting questions at a programme to announce a new film based on North East region, organised at Gauhati Press Club on January 17.

She was dragged out of the programme by her arm by a male organiser while other invitees at the event made fun of her and hurled abusing languages.

She has filed an FIR at the All Women's Police Station at Panbazar, Guwahati, and the main accused - the director of the film and another organizer - were reportedly granted bail in the case. Gender Council of JUA expressed grave concern at granting of bail to the assailants without any investigation by the police.

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