Blue Economy and responsible use of AI are emerging issues: CAG

Blue Economy and responsible use of AI are emerging issues: CAG

The first Senior Officials’ Meeting of the SAI20 Engagement Group under India’s G20 Presidency concluded on Tuesday in Guwahati.

  First Senior Officials’ Meeting of SAI20 Engagement Group concludes

GUWAHATI: The first Senior Officials’ Meeting of the SAI20 Engagement Group under India’s G20 Presidency concluded on Tuesday in Guwahati. Girish Chandra Murmu, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India and the Chair of the Supreme Audit Institutions-20 (SAI20) Engagement Group, delivered the concluding remarks.

Murmu in his valedictory address appreciated the wealth of knowledge gained during the deliberations on the priority areas of Blue Economy and Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI). He stressed the need for collaboration for developing and strengthening accountability frameworks in the two priority areas.

He highlighted that though each nation has its own unique challenges in achievement of Sustainable Development Goals, a widely replicable knowledge system drawing upon collective wisdom is achievable. “The experiences and inputs of the delegates provided a concrete pathway towards tangible outcomes in the form of auditing guidelines and toolkits for effective audits, as well as the SAI20 communique,” he added.

Parveen Mehta, Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General, thanked all the international and national delegates for constructive and rewarding discussions and also for active involvement in all the programmes in the SAI20 Senior Official Meeting, thereby making the event successful and setting the stage for the SAI20 summit in June.

The Senior Officials’ meeting on Tuesday focused on the deliberations on the Zero draft of the SAI20 Communique. The delegates from the SAI20 member SAIs, while broadly agreeing to the Zero draft of the Communique, provided their valuable thoughts and suggestions to bring out an inclusive, decisive, and action-oriented Communique in the SAI20 summit scheduled in June 2023.

The delegates from the G20 member SAIs, delegates from guest countries SAIs and invited international organizations were also invited to make general statements on the SAI20 Senior Officials’ meeting.

After the concluding session, Murmu addressed a press conference and said, “After the two-day meeting here there is a consensus that Blue Economy and responsible use of Artificial Intelligence are emerging issues we need to address as Audit community and exchange our knowledge and share our expertise and also help each other in the capacity building.”

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