Crackdown on illegal earth-cutting, earth-filling in Kamrup (M) district

Crackdown on illegal earth-cutting, earth-filling in Kamrup (M) district

In a bid to curb haphazard earth-cutting and earth-filling activity in the Kamrup (M) district


GUWAHATI: In a bid to curb haphazard earth-cutting and earth-filling activity in the Kamrup (M) district, Deputy Commissioner Pallav Gopal Jha has warned of "stringent legal action" against those who indulge in such activity without obtaining proper permission from the district administration.

The Deputy Commissioner issued an Order to this effect on Tuesday and directed the Deputy Commissioners of Police (DCPs) and the Divisional Forest Officer, Kamrup East Division, Basistha to take stern action against those engaged in unauthorised mining, earth-cutting, earth-filling etc., in coordination with the Circle Officers concerned.

Jha observed in the Order that such activity "destabilizes the natural earth slopes, blocks natural drains, clog natural and artificial drains which triggers severe landslides, artificial flood, persistent water logging during the monsoon seasons, resulting in substantial loss of human (lives), livestock and destruction of properties."

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