Minority Development Social Welfare Society formed for minority education

Minority Development Social Welfare Society formed for minority education

To promote, educate and socially enhance the minorities, the Minority Development Social Welfare Society (MDSWS) was formally launched on Saturday.


GUWAHATI: To promote, educate and socially enhance the minorities, the Minority Development Social Welfare Society (MDSWS) was formally launched on Saturday. The society will look upon to impart education, especially in the sar areas and among the underprivileged sections.

Eminent literateur and former AXX (AxamXahityaXabha) president KanakSenDeka was present as the chief guest at the launch programme and inaugurated the occasion.

In speech MDSWS president Habib Mohammad Choudhury said that they would get together to work for minority education and development.

Sentinel Assam