Price rise of essential items cannot be allowed, says CM Sarbananda Sonowal

Price rise of essential items cannot be allowed, says CM Sarbananda Sonowal

Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal held a review meeting with the Food & Civil Supplies Department at his official residence to take stock of the price-hike scenario of essential food items during the latest COVID-19 wave in the State.

Review meeting held with Food & Civil Supplies Department as well as NFR

GUWAHATI: Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal held a review meeting with the Food & Civil Supplies Department at his official residence to take stock of the price-hike scenario of essential food items during the latest COVID-19 wave in the State. Top officials of FCI (Food Corporation of India), NF Railway also attended the meeting.

Stating that price hike of essential food items like lentils, onion, and potato among others cannot be allowed to take place during this time of the pandemic, Sonowal stated such price rise would affect the already distressed people. The CM directed the Food & Civil Supplies Department to vigorously engage its officials to check the go-downs for available stock of food products while minimizing import cost of essentials items from outside the State. He also instructed the officials of the department to hold meetings with district chambers of commerce for keeping the prices under check.

"During the first wave of the pandemic in the State, the chambers of commerce had extended full support to the government's efforts for curbing price rise of food items; and this time also, they must be approached for helping the cause," said the Chief Minister while urging the NF Railway officials to facilitate smooth transport of food items to Assam like it did during the first wave of COVID-19. He also urged the Railways to engage the contractual laborers, employed in loading and unloading, in shifts so that they do not get exhausted.

Emphasizing the need to work as a team by all the stakeholders to overcome this crisis, Sonowal stressed the need to regulate the prices of food items for minimizing discrepancies in prices of essential items in various districts.

Media Adviser to the Chief Minister Hrishikesh Goswami and other top officials of concerned departments were present in the meeting, stated a release.

Sentinel Assam