State Council of CPI decries price hike of all essential commodities

State Council of CPI decries price hike of all essential commodities

The State Council of the CPI has demanded of the State government to take stern action against hike in prices of all essential commodities.


GUWAHATI: The State Council of the CPI has demanded of the State government to take stern action against hike in prices of all essential commodities.

In a statement issued to the media on November 7, 2020 the Left party's Assam State secretary Munin Mahanta said, "The rise in prices of all commodities has made life hellish in Assam. The prices of all commodities, let alone onion and potato, are beyond the purchasing power of the consumers. And the rise in prices is still continuing. We feel the government has helped unscrupulous traders by lifting the limits of hoarding of commodities by bringing amendment in the Essential Commodities Act. We demand of the government to take a tough Act against rise in prices of essential commodities.

"The BJP, on the other hand, has been raising communal issues with the Assembly election in the State coming closer. Right from withdrawing Madrassa education, the party has gone vocal on issues like Miya Museum, deriving Mughals out from the State etc. We demand the BJP to stop such communal campaign."

Sentinel Assam