Do not deface structure & look of Kamakhya Temple

It has been reported in a section of the media that the dome (Gambuz) of the existing 455-year-old historical monument
Do not deface structure & look of Kamakhya Temple
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J.P. Rajkhowa

(The writer is retired IAS officer and former Arunachal Pradesh Governor. He can be reached at

It has been reported in a section of the media that the dome (Gambuz) of the existing 455-year-old historical monument, known as the celebrated and widely revered Kamakhya Temple, is going to have a new look, very soon before the ensuing Dewali festival. It is also reported that the dome (soudh) would be decorated with gold and that this refurbishing work has been progressing very fast. The media report also states that about twenty (20) kilogrammes gold donated by business magnet Mukesh Ambani was brought to the temple site with tight security and that the security coverage of the temple complex has been made stricter than before. (Asomiya Pratidin, November 6, 2020).

If the India's richest man, also one of the top three richest persons in the world, had brought 100 kilogrammes of gold to Assam, in order to build up a brand New Temple, dedicated to the Mother Goddess Kamakhya, I along with millions of the god fearing people, would have welcomed the gesture of the business tycoon, whole heartedly. Unfortunately, I am unable to do it now, as presumably, the outer walls of the dome of the Temple are being either decorated with gold plating or being painted with gold slurry. I so presume, for the simple reason that, 20 kilogrammes of gold is too little to complete the gold plating work satisfactorily.

Historically the Kamakhya Temple, in its present form and shape, was built by the Koch King Naranarayana and his generalissimo brother, prince Sukladvaj alias Chilarai and opened for public prayer are in 1565 A.D., i.e; 455 years ago. The construction work was completed by Chief Engineer-cum-architect Megh Mugdam, within a record time of 6 months. The Temple opening ceremony was chaired by the King, with Chilarai by his side in presence of lakhs of devotees and royal dignitaries. Incidentally, at that time entire lower Assam, Guwahati included, was a part of the Koch Kingdom. Chilarai spent all the gold and silver coins received during his military campaigns 1562-64 as gifts and tributes from the vanquished kings.

As per one account, 15,000 gold coins, 4,25,000 silver coins and valuables of other kinds were spent for the purpose. Kamakhya temple was reconstructed on its old edifice and the Yoni symbol of the Devi was ceremonially installed, making necessary provisions for the maintenance of the temple and daily worship. Seven hundred servitors and a large grant of lands were placed at the disposal of the shrine. Most historians hold the view that, the earlier Temple structure built by Viswa Singha, founder of the Koch Kingdom about 1515 A.D. was in dilapidated conditions, due to were and tear over time. Viswa Singha discovered the ancient Temple of the Goddess in one of his adventurous sojourns in Nilachal Hill, in a ramshackle structure and so he built a proper Temple, at the same place, which lasted for abouth 50 years. Chilarai and his brother King Naranarayana, visited Nilachal Hill on their return journey after the military campaigns in 1563-64 A.D. and they found that the Temple building made by their further, was in bad shape. They decided to build a new Temple at the same place. Accordingly, as I have stated earlier, the present Temple was built and opened to the Public in 1565 A.D.

Nobody has questioned that Kamakhya Temple is a very sacred Temple of the goddess known by several names, i.e., Sati, Parbati, Kamakhya, Uma etc. When the original and ancient first structure came up at Nilachal Hill, no one really knows, as it is shrouded in mystery and legends. However, historians like Edward Gait, Gunabhiram Barua, Kanaklal Barua, H.K. Borpujari and others had corroborated these facts. Thus the Kamakhya Temple is an ancient, sacred Religious-cum-Historical Monument of national importance, often visited by national and international dignitaries including the President, the Prime Minister, Central Ministers, Ambassadors & so forth, which has been declared as a Heritage site as well.

It has also very high importance and significance Archaeologically and from Structural Engineering point of view as well, since the main temple building and connected structure have with stood natural calamities including the 1950 earthquake, and thus remaining undisturbed for more than 455 years. One may like to even call it an Architectural and Engineering marvel. If he knows the history as stated here, Mukesh Ambani, in all likely hood, would not try to disturb the original face of the temple by using gold or any other such expensive material.

It is now apparent that concerned official/ minister of the Assam Government or the Managing Committee / Trust Board / Debattor Board / Bor Deuri Council didn't bother to take all aspects into consideration, before allowing the Ambanis to make a defacement of the age old Temple structure by using gold etc.

I would suggest that, Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal would rise to the occasion and in the interest of preservation of the Kamakhya Temple, as an ancient shrine of immense historical, cultural and heritage value, would put a halt to the construction/defacing activities being done to the Temple structure immediately. It is a matter of great concern, that, if this is not done, a day will come when industrial and business tycoons may even be persuaded by vested circles, to offer proposals of similar nature for changing original structure of historical heritage sites and monuments, i.e.; Rang ghar, Kareng ghar, Tolatol ghar, Siva doul, Jai doul, Haygriba Madhava Temple at Hajo, Poa Mocca at Hajo, Agnigarh complex at Tezpur etc. It is also felt that the amount of about Rs 10 crore spent on 20 kilogramme of gold could have been very well spent for protecting our sensitive Xatras / Temples / other places of worship from illegal encroachment. I also urge our intellectuals, spiritual leaders, historians, NGOs engaged in protection and preservation of historical monuments and sites, public leaders, retired civil servants and others to raise their voice of protest against such anti-Assam, illogical acts and conduct.

Finally, I would also observe that, the entire refurbishing and ornamental works using Gold metal is being done so secretively, without any formal public function, which has become a normal feature of the style functioning of the government, everything may not be fair and as per statutory provisions. It would be advisable to go into all aspects before allowing the works to continue. The old heritage structure sites should not be disturbed / defaced / destroyed impacting on the integrated culture of the people of the State. Will the State Chief Minister have a relook into the matter?

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