Every great accomplishment starts with an idea.
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Ronjoy Bordoloi


Every great accomplishment starts with an idea. And coupled with a profound faith that idea becomes a phenomenon. All revolutionary ideas require immeasurable belief for them to take shape and change the course of history and society. And such an incredible change for the betterment of humanity was initiated by Saint-Scholar Srimanta Sankardeva during the 15th and 16th centuries, who not only moulded a rich cultural heritage but also gave the people of Assam and adjoining areas a wonderful philosophical and religious platform to stand upon and gaze inwards into the supreme self-residing in all mortal beings, irrespective of caste, creed, breed, gender, religion, race and tribe, through unflinching devotion and service to humanity and in fact, all of existence.

His artistic and literary endeavours are too vast to explain here, however, the central idea contained in his writings and the writings of his devout disciple, Madhavdeva, can be deduced from various ancient and contemporary sources.

And what a magnificent idea it was! The force and vigour of that central idea not only broke the boundaries of ritualism, dogmatism and animal sacrifice but also withstood the harsh tests of time and tide and invigorated a large portion of the population with inspiration and ray of hope. And it still instils the same amount of energy whenever invoked.

That Central Idea of Bhakti and one-pointed devotion to Lord Krishna or Vishnu or Narayana through chanting hymns and songs at designated congregational centres (Xattras and Naam Ghars) or even individual praying to a Personal God, through the Bhagavata Purana, Kirtan Ghosha and Naam Ghosha, no matter what portion of the society one belonged to, is the crux of the Ek Sarana Nama Dharma. The initiation process or the Xoron-Luwa is a very simple yet delicate process by which a beginner becomes a part of the egalitarian society that Srimanta Sankardeva dreamt of.

Another marvellous aspect of the Ek Sarana Nama Dharma is that it incorporates Vedantic principles, proclaiming the existence of the One Supreme Being. (Maha-Purush/Maha-Purux; please note that the said name is also bestowed upon Srimanta Sankardeva himself and the term, with time, came to mean both Supreme Being and Srimanta Sankardeva). It is from this Maha (Supreme) Purush (being) that all of existence emanates. Ek Sarana Nama Dharma acknowledges the Unity in all the Diversity and accepts that everything is a manifestation and unique vibration of this Universal Supreme Soul (Para-Brahma or Param-Atman). It accepts both the Saguna (with form and name) and Nirguna (without any form or name) aspects of the Ultimate Reality and that the Saguna form is represented by Lord Krishna or Vishnu himself.

Moreover, this Supreme Being or Soul or Atman or Brahman has to be worshipped with focused, one-pointed, unflinching, unwavering and complete devotion throughout our lives, so that Mukti (Salvation) can be attained. Ek Sarana Nama Dharma is the religion that accepts that Man can attain Jivan-Mukti (Salvation while Alive) instead of Videha-Mukti (Salvation after death). It also states that dull, static Bhakti should be ignored and the blissful, playful Bhakti, with an intention of greater good and service to humanity and all living beings, should be followed, because, after all, every being or, all of existence itself, is an expression of the Supreme Soul or Krishna. These are probably some of the intrinsic qualities that this religion endured through the ages, despite stiff competition from ritualistic Brahminism and other sects of Hinduism like Shaktism, Shaivism etc.

Whatsoever, this wonderful idea that was formulated and propagated by Gurujana hundreds of years ago still stands strong and requires more exposure and promulgation at international levels, because of the Divine Truths it preaches and the colourful and blissful ways through which it accentuates, namely Naam, Borgeet, Xattriya Nritya, Ankia Naat, Bhaona, Mukha Bhaona etc.

And the need of the hour is a band of Monks or Bhakats, who with Divine Bhakti in them, can endure unforeseen hardships and travel far and wide, spreading the principles and ideals of Ek Sarana Nama Dharma to every nook and corner of the world. Gurujana himself had embarked on two pilgrimages in search of the Ultimate Truth, which had taken him to places like Puri, Mathura, Dwarka, Vrindavan, Gaya, Rameswaram, Ayodhya, Sitakanda etc. His Vaishnavite inclinations and Bhakti Realization took deep root in these pilgrimages.

Because this great religion has reached a period of stagnancy mainly due to the division of Dharma into many sects and sub-sects and vested interests in playing spoiled sport. Undoubtedly, some adherents have kept the flame alive and there are strong bases and support systems to keep the religion up and going, however, for the Dharma to reach its full potential and to stop its degradation, a new approach and outlook has become mandatory. Moreover, other similar sects and religions of India, mainly Sikhism, which has a similar doctrine of 'Ik Onkar' (Only One God) etc has its base almost all over India and the World, however, the same is very limited for 'Ek Sarana' (Shelter-in-One) and its proponents are also far less extensive or expansive in comparison to organizations like The Ramakrishna Mission, which also has a far greater reach.

This progressive religion that initiated into its fold people from all sections of the society, including Muslims, need people like Vivekananda and his army of monks, who spread the Universal philosophy of Ramakrishna Paramhamsa and also the Vedantic values of Hinduism all across the world despite many struggles and came out immensely successful. Assam needs such dynamic, dedicated and devout individuals who can spread the Universal Appeal of Ek Sarana Nama Dharma, without egoistic upheavals or personal clashes, leading a Monastic life, helping Man, animals, the Environment and Planet Earth without expecting anything in return.

We can even take the example of Buddhism, one of the very few religions in the world that spread far and wide from its homeland without any bloodshed and violence and with the help of its Monks and Missionaries who endured harsh weather and tough landscapes and unfriendly people to transmit the Supreme Teachings of The Great Buddha, who gave divinity back to Mankind. Likewise, we also need such Monks, Missionaries, Scholars, Teachers, Traders, Devout Souls, Anyone or any person who believes and follows the teachings of Gurujana to the heart and keeps the flame of Ek Sarana Nama Dharma ablaze forever. We need people with Pure Love, Supreme Bhakti and Bliss in heart to spread the message all over the world, knowing very well that He exists in Everything, He is Everywhere and in Everyone.

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