The World Environment Day 2022 theme, ‘Only One Earth’, focuses on living sustainably in harmony with nature.

Gunin Borah

(The writer is a faculty of Geography in Biswanath College, Chariali. He can be reached at borah.gunin@gmail.com)

The World Environment Day 2022 theme, 'Only One Earth', focuses on living sustainably in harmony with nature. The Government of Sweden will host World Environment Day 2022 on June 5 in partnership with the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). World Environment Day will be held under the theme of 'Only One Earth', highlighting the need to live sustainably in harmony with nature by bringing transformation changes -through policies and our choices - towards cleaner, greener lifestyles.

The environment provides us with resources for production, which include renewable and non-renewable resources. The environment includes sun, water, air, and soil without which human life would not exist. It sustains life by providing genetic diversity and biodiversity. Production and consumption of activities generate waste mainly in the manner of garbage that the environment helps get rid of. Humans enjoy the beauty of mountains, lakes, rivers, deserts, and many other breathtaking natural elements only because of the existence of the natural environment.

Climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, pollution and waste, evidence that Earth is all around us and growing more ominous every day. At the same time, billions of people are short of income, food, shelter, health care and education. Energy and food crisis on the heels of Covid-19 pandemic and the spike in conflict around the world are further causes of concern.

The way out of this dilemma is to transform our economies and societies to make them inclusive, fair and more connected with nature. We must shift from harming the planet, to healing it. We must protect what we have and bring back what we lost to advance to a better, more sustainable future, where everyone can thrive. This year's campaign 'Only One Earth' highlights the need to rest the balance with nature through transformative changes in how we eat, live, work and move around. This guide presents actions that communities, organizations, and people

everywhere can take. It spotlights the key responsibility of governments, cities, business, faith groups, and financial organizations to make sustainable living possible by transforming consumption, production, infrastructure, investment, and land use. It also includes examples of personal decisions to effect change and push for action.

Only one Earth is a slogan used to spread awareness among the people about the importance of Earth and why we should save our mother Earth. The 'Only one Earth' slogan motivates people to save Earth and its natural resources to give our future generations a safe and healthy environment.

As we know that Earth is the only planet having life in this Universe. So we should respect and maintain everything we get from mother Earth. Men should save the Earth so that our future generations can live in a safe environment. We can save the Earth by saving the trees, natural vegetation, water, natural resources, electricity etc. Everyone should strictly follow all the possible measures to control environmental pollution and global warming.

Only One Earth advocates for transformative environmental changes on a global scale. The campaign shines a spotlight on climate action, nature action, and pollution action while encouraging everyone, everywhere to live sustainably. While our individual consumption choices do make a difference, it is collective action that will create the transformative environmental change we need, so we can advance to a more sustainable and just Earth, where everyone can flourish.

Earth is the only planet that supports life. It is unique and the only place that we have got. If we can't protect it, it will endanger our existence. Life on earth is dependent on several things. Land, water, soil, forests, etc., are all necessary for the survival of life on Earth. But rapid industrialization, unchecked consumption of natural resources, deforestation, pollution, climate change etc., have caused severe changes to the Earth's ecosystems.

Earth serves us as a reminder that today more than ever, there is a need for sustainable living, and essential to ecological harmony. It gives us an opportunity to reflect on the importance of caring for the ecosystem, and conserving and protecting nature and natural life.

World Environment Day pushes us towards achieving a greener economy. It aims to improve human well-being without putting an extra burden on the environment. Sustainability is at the core of the World Environment Day celebration, and with sustainability, we could bring the economic changes that lead to a happier society. World Environment Day imparts environmental education and allows citizens to learn beneficial habits to contribute to protecting nature.

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