Insult to Khasi lady at Delhi’s Golf Club

Insult to Khasi lady at Delhi’s Golf Club
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Insult to Khasi lady at Delhi’s Golf Club

The insult meted out to our Khasi sister at Delhi's Golf Club is painful and needs be strongly condemned. The humiliation meted out to Tailin Lyndoh for wearing traditiol Khasi attire, being asked to summarily leave the club premises in the midst of her lunch, by Golf Club officials is unpardoble. Delhi Golf Club is one of the most reputed clubs in the country but it was unexpected that officials of this elite club have no knowledge about the people of North East, about their traditiol attire, culture etc. It is not the insult to our sister Talin Lyndoh but a collective insult to the people of entire North East. We are happy to know that Delhi Golf Club authority has apologised for the incident. But mere apology is not enough, they must be censured and pelised so that these types of unfortute incidents are not repeated in future.

Subhash Chandra Biswas,

Gauhati High Court,

Guwahati – 1.

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