Letter to THE EDITOR: Kudos to Tapan Kumar Deka

Tapan Kumar Deka becomes the first Assamese to be elevated to the post of Director, Intelligence Bureau and we can be nothing but extremely proud of it.
Letter to THE EDITOR: Kudos to Tapan Kumar Deka
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Kudos to Tapan Kumar Deka

Tapan Kumar Deka becomes the first Assamese to be elevated to the post of Director, Intelligence Bureau and we can be nothing but extremely proud of it. Deka, a 1988 batch IPS officer, was the go-to man to probe into the 2008 Mumbai blasts. Deka has along the road added many feathers to his cap and is a revered name in the police world. I remember once my father telling me that Deka is a people's person and knows how to maintain friendly relations with people. Now that he will take over one of the most powerful positions in the country, Assam and specially Tezpur is really proud and I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Deka through your esteemed daily.

Noopur Baruah,


Students & politics

It goes without saying that students are the pillars of a nation's future edifice. The country pins her confidence on them. So, it's a bounden duty of every student to focus on his or her primary duty of study and keep himself or herself aloof from anything that may lead to colossal waste of time and energy in his or her academic pursuits. Undoubtedly, getting involved in active politics may make a student's focus shift from studies to the dirty game of politics. Moreover, students are deemed to be immature and inexperienced and, hence, there is every possibility that they may be swayed by passions and prejudices. However, the upcoming generation needs to possess a genuine sense of political consciousness and take an intelligent interest in politics. They should be well-acquainted with the elements of politics and keep tabs on the political views of their own country as well as other countries. The aspirants to political power may cultivate the power of debate, the spirit of service, sacrifice and discipline during student life without participating actively in politics.

Dipen Gogoi,

Teok, Jorhat.

Agni Parikha?

So after long 20 years, the SC has given a clean chit to Narendra Modi, the then CM of Gujarat and present Prime Minister of the nation, bringing much needed joy and relief to bona fide Indians. This very verdict has laid to rest all misinformation spread by the Congress and its allies to malign Modi before the nation and the entire nation for the Gujarat riots, which took place after the burning of hundreds of Hindu pilgrims travelling in Sabarmati Express in Godhra. One can easily imagine the mental plight of a lesser mortal if he or she faces an ordeal of this magnitude for long 20 years. But in case of Modi, it went as usual as he stood like the Rock of Gibraltar for long 20 years. We still remember Sonia Gandhi, the AICC chief, calling Modi as a "Maut Ka Saudagar", "Bhasmasur" etc., before the public in Congress rallies. Now the dust has settled down and can we expect an unqualified apology from the pseudo Gandhis ? The answer seems to be a big 'NO' as they lack all civic sense. Yes, Modi has been baptized with fire. He has passed the Agni Parikha. Jai Hind!

Dr Ashim Chowdhury,


US abortion issue

The US Supreme Court overturning the 1973 landmark Roe v Wade judgment regarding the right to abortion is nothing less than a sweeping and politically-driven judgment which will have life-altering and life-threatening consequences for American women who become pregnant. The decision is a vicious attack on women's rights and the effects of which will be immediate and far-reaching.

Forcing a woman to carry a pregnancy and give birth against her wishes will have devastating impact - derailing her life, education and her career plans, and assigning her a future which she probably would never envision for herself. The US SC's ruling will also lead to miscarriages being subject to suspicion, investigation and arrest, and could lead to patients and doctors being thrown into jail. Also, the burden will disproportionately fall on women of colour, those who struggle to make ends meet, and people with disabilities. UN experts have already described the hard decision as a "huge blow to women's human rights and gender equality." The abortion ban may lead US into an uncharted political, legal, social and medical territory.

Ranganathan Sivakumar,

Chennai – 600 091.

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