Letters to the Editor: Gas cylinder explosions

The news of explosion of household gas cylinders in the State has almost become a common occurrence.
Letters to the Editor: Gas cylinder explosions

Gas cylinder explosions

The news of explosion of household gas cylinders in the State has almost become a common occurrence. The scene of fire after every explosion itself is heart-wrenching. It causes death and destruction of properties on an enormous scale. Sometimes, cluster of houses are getting reduced to ashes within hours. Now, the point is, has the concerned authority ever thought of ways to stop such menaces? Could the authority ascertain the real causes of every explosion from their enquiry report? The victims in most of the cases are poor people and small hoteliers etc. In my opinion, mishandling of gas cylinders and lack of safety awareness among the users are the root causes of all the explosions. Despite the above facts, I want to put the following in perspective.

Here are a few tips to our common gas consumers to keep accidents at bay. Whenever a gas filled cylinder is delivered to their homes, they should ensure the following: First, check whether there has been any gas leak from the nozzle of the cylinder in the presence of the delivery boy. Every delivery boy knows how to stop small leakage either by putting new rubber washers in the nozzle or by tightening some arrangement available inside the nozzle. If the leak persists, ask the delivery boy for a leak-proof cylinder; secondly, standard quality of pipe should be used; thirdly, the stove should be maintained properly; fourthly, no children should be engaged to operate gas stoves; fifth, proper ventilation should be made in every kitchen.

Besides these precautions, consumers should remain ever alert while using gas and closing gas after cooking is over. Conscious/careful use of gas cylinders can help avoid and avert accidents in a big way. Through this column I would request IOCL and OIL to conduct full-proof leak test in gas filling stations. They should also ensure that not a single cylinder goes out with an iota of leakage. IOCL and OIL should also conduct awareness programmes among common people regarding the safe use of gas cylinders. Awareness is not a one-time job. It is, indeed, a continuous process.

Prafulla Dowarah,


Protecting our forests

The International Day of Forests, which is celebrated on March 21 every year, rings a bell among the society about the importance of forests and the scores of benefits they offer to humankind. A forest just doesn't mean trees, but it is an entire complex, and a living community. We must seriously think about the reckless felling of trees, which is against the welfare of forests.

Everyone should actively participate in protection and expansion of forests, and situations of deforestation should be avoided at all costs. Chopping down trees in hilly forest areas results in loosening of soil, thus the upper layer of fertile earth is eroding, leading to heavy rains and floods. Exploitation and burning of tropical forests and peatland forests account for about 10 per cent of greenhouse gases generated by human activities. Therefore, forest protection is an important activity to limit processing climate change. India is a country which is highly dependent on its agriculture. Hence, it becomes all the more important for us to protect our forests and preventing them from any ill-practices.

Ranganathan Sivakumar


Water woes

Access to clean drinking water may not seem a luxury for us, but for 1/4th of the world population it is still something which they cannot afford. Nearly 2.2 billion people are hankering for a clean drop of water. Clean drinking water is very crucial for maintaining a disease-free life. Because of lack of clean drinking water, most of the African nations are reeling under ever-mounting problems. At a time when some people are thinking of colonizing Mars, it is so shameful that before perfecting the world we live in, we are thinking of inhabiting another planet. On the occasion of World Water Day on March 22, I can only hope for a world which is quenched with clean drinking water. All eyes will be on the developing nations for their contribution in solving this problem. Nothing can be perfect, but still we can work towards perfection, can't we?

Noopur Baruah,


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