Letters to the Editor: Regionalism and Assam

Regionalism is a political concept, and such a concept can represent the political aspirations of a region of a state in the context of state policy.
Letters to the Editor: Regionalism and Assam
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Regionalism and Assam

Regionalism is a political concept, and such a concept can represent the political aspirations of a region of a state in the context of state policy. It was about the 1980s. It was a time of great Assam movement. Many of the agitating leaders and activists of that time dreamed of regionalist politics. This regionalist political force touched every conscious citizen of Assam at that time. Therefore, it is important to understand the importance of the rights of the people of Assam. This regional political force was the pearl of the Assamese people's heart at that time. There are many reasons why Assam has been getting only one big lollipop from the national political parties for so many years. There are many people in Assam who have become involved in the regional political party that was born on the soil of Assam. The leadership of the party was highly trusted by the people. They were able to gain huge appreciation from the people wherever they went. 855 Assamese youths were martyred in the Assam movement just to speak out for what Assam deserves. Therefore, the people of Assam at that time had great faith in the new regional political force. These political forces were able to overthrow the nationalist political forces and form a regionalist government in Assam.

However, the people of Assam were forced to say goodbye to the regionalist force completely as it failed to recognize the aspirations of the people of Assam despite forming the government twice. Therefore, it is important to understand the importance of these forces in the development of the country. Recently, some regional parties have been living with the oxygen of nationalist forces. Therefore, it is necessary to take action against these people. Recently, many new generations of individuals have given birth to new regionalist forces and contributed to the rise of the regionalist political force in Assam. If these parties or forces stay away from the nationalist forces and get the blessings of the Assamese people, these new regional political forces will do a lot of work and even form a government in the interest of Assam. Therefore, it is expected that many talented students from Assam will join these regionalist forces and create a politics of values.

Hritwij Thakur,

Department of Communication and Journalism, Gauhati University.

Population rise

India soon overtaking China to become the world’s most populous country may be a matter of pride for us. But if the quality of the population is not addressed well, the so-called demographic dividend may turn into a demographic ordeal for the country. Also, we should not forget that our industrial infrastructure is not as robust as China’s, and much of India’s population growth is centered in its poorer regions, especially in the north. Incidentally, it also raises the question of whether a booming young Indian citizenry could drive the country’s economic growth for years to come if they are not adequately employed. In fact, economists have cautioned that even as India’s economy is among the fastest-growing as its population rises, joblessness has equally swelled. Whether India reaps a demographic dividend rather than suffering a demographic disaster will require strategic investments in its people and infrastructure.

Ranganathan Sivakumar,


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